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Accept all Only critical受台风“贝碧嘉”影响,总领事馆决定于9月16日周一闭馆。我们将于周二正常开放。如果您需要紧急领事协助,您可以随时通过拨打总领事馆电话转接到领事保护中心。您也可以发送电子邮件与总领事馆取得联系。总领事馆提醒在华东地区的瑞典公民关注使领馆发布的旅行信息、天气预报,在svensklistan上进行登记以及遵循当地机构的指示。
Sweden has diplomatic relations with almost all States in the world. It has embassies and consulates in around half of these. Sweden's foreign representation consists of approximately 100 missions abroad and 350 honorary consulates.