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Sveriges ambassadHanoi, Vietnam

Lokal tid 12:18


Womens Museum, Hanoi 19 okt 2018, 09.00 - 16.00

Let’s close the internet gender gap!

#WikiGap is a workshop where volunteers gather to add content to Wikipedia about women experts and role models in various fields. On October 19 Embassy of Sweden, UN Women, UNDP, CSAGA, Media Network on Gender and Vietnamese Women's Museum will arrange a #WikiGapVietnam workshop in Hanoi with the aim of improving gender equality online.

Similar events have already been held in more than 50 countries worldwide to improve women’s representation on the internet. Together, we want to bring about a more gender-equal internet – and a more gender-equal world.

Why #WikiGap?
Wikipedia is the world’s largest online and user-generated encyclopaedia. Knowledge is power, and Wikipedia has the potential to colour our views of the world. But there is great imbalance between men and women on the website, like in society at large. Ninety per cent of those who add content to Wikipedia are men. There are four times more articles about men than women. The figures vary regionally, but no matter how you look at it, the picture is clear: the information about women is less extensive than that about men, this is true regardless of which language version of Wikipedia you read. #WikiGap wants to close this gender gap.

How to participate
Ready to make a change for closing the internet gender gap? Don’t hesitate, it is easy to join! Think of a prominent woman you would like to see an article about on Wikipedia – and write it! You can also choose to edit or translate existing articles.

There are two ways of joining the #WikiGapVietnam campaign:
1. Publish articles at the #WikiGapVietnam workshop on October 19.
2. Publish articles from home (can be made from all over Vietnam!)

To join the event, you need to bring your own computer and register, follow this link:
Deadline for registration is before 5:00PM October 15, 2018.

To publish articles from home, have a look at this tutorial to get started:

Registrations are made on a first come-basis, remember to register on time! Either option you choose it is good if you start working on the articles before October 19 for making the best out of #WikiGapVietnam. When you’re publishing articles within the scope of the campaign please let us know by using the hashtag #WikiGapVietnam on social media and by sending an email to

Let’s close the internet gender gap!

Senast uppdaterad 18 okt 2018, 17.38