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Acceptera alla Endast nödvändigaThe embassy can share the decision with you in two ways (see below). Please send us an e-mail to the following e-mail address letting us know how you want to receive your decision. Don´t forget to mention your case number.
1) If you give your consent, the Embassy can send a copy of your decision by e-mail. Please note that an unencrypted email is not 100% secure. This applies to the content as well as to the access. You can get information about our data protection policy in this link Data protection policy - Sweden Abroad
2) Otherwise, the Embassy can send a copy of your decision by post. Please submit your current address in the Schengen Area.
Sverige har diplomatiska förbindelser med i stort sett alla stater i världen. I ungefär hälften av dessa stater har Sverige ambassader och konsulat. Sveriges utrikesrepresentation består av drygt 100 utlandsmyndigheter.
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