Embassy of Sweden launches procurement of Monitoring Consultants for the +SOL project

17 mar 2025

Embassy of Sweden launches procurement of Monitoring Consultants for the +SOL project

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), through the Embassy of Sweden in Maputo (the Embassy), has several ongoing contributions in the energy sector. Three of these are with Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV): Brilho, Gerasol, and the newly signed +SOL project. The monitoring services regard only the +SOL project.


Tenders must be submitted to the Embassy of Sweden, ambassaden.maputo@gov.se no later than 4th of April 2025, marked “Tender for UM2024/09636/MAPU”


Requests for clarification or additions to the procurement document shall be submitted in writing via ambassaden.maputo@gov.se and marked with UM2024/09636/MAPU. The deadline for submitting questions is: 21st of March 2025. Response (QA) to questions will be posted at the Embassy’s website at: www.swedenabroad.se/maputo


The Assignment is expected to start 1st of May 2025 and end 31st of December 2028.


For more information, see the ToR. 

Procurement Document 

Appendix 1 Terms of Reference 

Appendix 2 Draft Contract

Appendix 3 Sida’s General Conditions for Framework Agreements and Contracts

Appendix 4 Declaration of honour

Appendix 5 Language Level Definition – Short Form

Appendix 6 CV Tamplate

Appendix 7 Agreement between Personal Data Controller and Personal Data Processor

Appendix 8 Price


Question: We have just received the news that Sida is putting a hold on all new agreements until May, according to the information provided in the Global Bar Magazine, published today: Sida stoppar alla nya avtal! – Global Bar Magazine

Could you please inform us whether this decision will affect the procurement of the monitoring services or whether you still expect to proceed with this procurement as planned?

Response: The decision does not affect this procurement as it is already running.

Question: Given the requirements stated in section 4.6. Is it correct that the team's Knowledge of Swedish will be taken into account in the scoring of the tenders? or is this a mistake in the requirements with the correct language being Portuguese?

Response: The requirements stated under 4.6 are “shall”-requirements, meaning that they shall be met to advance into the assessment stage. Those tenders that pass onto assessment will then be scored as mentioned in the tender documents. One of those merits is that the team as a whole (i.e. one person or more) can speak Swedish on a level that exceeds level minimum professional proficiency (according to The Embassy’s language level definition).

Question: The Procurement document mentions Conflict of Interest (CoI) related to having been engaged in the preparatory work leading for this procurement.  Could there also be other cases where you would consider there to be CoI? For example, would an individual consultant who is currently contracted to provide advisory services to Brilho be consider to have CoI and thereby be disqualified?

Response: No, in the described case there would be no CoI.


Senast uppdaterad 17 mar 2025, 10.15