Sino Swedish cooperation in new energy

On January 24, the Swedish innovation company SaltX Technology and Ningbo Shenggu Energy Conservation (NSECT) held a factory inauguration ceremony in Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. Consul General of Sweden in Shanghai Ms. Lisette Lindahl and Vice Mayor of Yuyao Mr. HAN Baishun attended the ceremony.

Innovation and sustainability are core values of the Swedish brand, which is embodied by companies like SaltX Technology. With a vision to be the “Intel inside” in sustainable heating, cooling and energy storage products, SaltX Technology has developed and patented a ground breaking technology with which energy can be stored in salt and subsequently recovered in the form of heat or cold. Its partnership with NSECT, a Chinese company that focuses on renewable energy, applies the SunCool concept based on SaltX technology to thermal solar collectors. The technology makes delivery of hot water and cooling also possible at night. Therefore SunCool solar collectors provide twice as much energy as a conventional solar collector, which only supplies hot water during the day.

The new factory in Yuyao enables large-scale industrial production of SunCool solar collectors. It marks the start of manufacture of the world's first thermal collector with built-in cooling in the world's largest market, China.

Senast uppdaterad 08 feb 2018, 11.48