Örebro Chamber Choir concert draws 700 in Shanghai

04 jun 2018

On June 2, the Consulate General of Sweden in Shanghai, together with Örebro Chamber Choir, presented a small-scale concert “Rendezvous with Örebro Chamber Choir: Songs from the Aurora Country” in a centrally located church in Shanghai.

Örebro Chamber Choir was invited to Shanghai to perform at a large-scale concert on J. S. Bach's oratorio St John Passion (https://www.swedenabroad.se/en/embassies/china-shanghai/current/calendar/concert-st-john-passion-by-j.-s.-bach/ ) in partnership with Shanghai International Choral League at Shanghai Oriental Art Center on June 3.  Founded in 1961, the choir consists of around 40 singers aged between 20 and 70. Led by the conductor Fred Sjöberg, they perform in a wide repertoire ranging from early renaissance to modern contemporary, from classic to jazz, from sacred to secular. The mix of ages and genders contributes to their special vocal effects.

On the evening of June 2, the choir gave an extra concert on their own at Hui Zhong Church. They sang Swedish songs, including both choric ones and solos. The event was open to the public for free. It turned out a great success, boasting an audience of more than 700 people.

Senast uppdaterad 04 jun 2018, 16.14