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Acceptera alla Endast nödvändiga17 apr 2021, 12.00
The photo exhibition AccessAbility portrays 26 individuals from various backgrounds and walks of life. 26 people whose hopes, desires, and dreams are shared with the visitors of this exhibition. 26 portrayals of people who have different types of disability but who represent themselves, not their disability. Through their voices it becomes obvious that impairment does not determine who you are.
The 26 portrayals do not tell the full story about the lives of the 90 million registered people with disability in China, nor the 70,000 registered people with disability in Sweden. But through their voices it becomes obvious that there is more that unites us than divides us.
With these 26 portraits and stories from real lives, we hope to show that we are all the same. We all want to live with dignity in a world that treats us fairly and equally.
The fight has not yet been won. But giving everyone the same chance to be seen and heard is a step in the right direction.
The photo exhibition runs from April 17 to May 9 at Danish Cultural Center in 798 Art District.
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