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Sveriges ambassadAmman, Jordanien

Välkommen till Sveriges ambassad i Amman, Jordanien

Lokal tid 05:31

Ecopeace visit the Embassy

This morning (April 17), the Embassy staff got the opportunity to learn more about the objectives, programming, and achievements of the pioneer NGO EcoPeace Middle East, during an interesting and informative presentation given by Deputy Director Ms. Yana Abu Taleb.

EcoPeace sees cross-national cooperation towards sustainable development objectives as a vital tool for peacebuilding. The NGO works cross-border with the promotion of cooperative efforts to protect the shared environmental heritage of the countries around the Jordan Valley, using the common interests of Jordan, Palestine and Israel in finding sustainable solutions for water and energy management as a starting point for dialogue, stability and peace. EcoPeace has been a partner of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) since 2009.

Senast uppdaterad 18 apr 2018, 15.58