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Sveriges ambassadTokyo, Japan

Välkommen till Sveriges ambassad i Tokyo, Japan

Lokal tid 07:29

New form of capitalism in Japan and the Nordic vision Part 3 – Childcare and Family Policy

19 jun 2023, 17.00

This seminar will explore the Nordic family models, such as childcare and parental leave, and look at the ecomomic consequeces of these policies. Which experiences can the Nordic countries share with Japan in this area? A panel of experts and lawmakers will hold a frank and open discussion about these questions.


17:00 Opening words  Pereric Högberg, Ambassador of Sweden to Japan 17:05 Special Message:Johan Bävman & Lars Dareberg, Director of photography 
17:10 Yoshiaki Wada, State Minister of Cabinet Office
17:30 Presentation
•Ayako Kondo,RIETI/ Professor of the Institute of Social Sciences, University 
•Torbjörn Röe Isaksen, Editor for social affairs, e24
• Akiko Kurabayashi, Member of the House of Councilors’ Health, Labor and Welfare Committee
• Micael Ebbesen, General Manager, LEGO
18:00 Panel Discussion 
Moderator:Mari Miura, Professor of Sophia University
18:30 Q&A
18:45 Conclusion
18:50 Closing Remarks  Taksøe-Jensen, Ambassador of Denmark to Japan

Registration: ウェビナー登録 - Zoom


Senast uppdaterad 13 jun 2023, 11.48