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Acceptera alla Endast nödvändigaThe Swedish Smart City exhibition joins the Nordic Pavilion for EBTKE ConEx event this year, hosted by the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society with the full support from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic of Indonesia. The event takes place at JIEXPO Jakarta from 6 to 8 November 2019.
The Embassy of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in Jakarta participated in the Indo EBTKE ConEx 2019, presenting the countries' experiences in developing clean energy in Nordic region.
Indo EBTKE ConEx 2019 is a showcase of technology, innovation and solution of new, renewable energy and energy conservation. The Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia Marina Berg attended the event opening today (6/11). And as part of the event opening, the Indonesian Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif visited the Nordic Pavilion, and Ambassador Marina Berg was there to welcome him and give a brief explanation about Smart City in relation to energy consumption in Sweden. Tomorrow (7/11) Ambassador Marina Berg will also give her presentation on Energy Transition and lessons learned from Swedish experiences.
Indo EBTKE ConEx 2019 is free of admission fee and open for public.
Sverige har diplomatiska förbindelser med i stort sett alla stater i världen. I ungefär hälften av dessa stater har Sverige ambassader och konsulat. Sveriges utrikesrepresentation består av drygt 100 utlandsmyndigheter.
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