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RepresentationFN, New York

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Swedish statement at the 2021 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development

12 apr 2021

National Statement by H.E. Mr. Per Olsson Fridh, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian affairs at the 2021 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development, 12 April 2021

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed enormous pressure on our societies, and has had far-reaching humanitarian, social, economic and security consequences. The pandemic has highlighted the global interconnectivity of policy areas and people. More than ever, we need to work collaboratively to improve the resilience of our societies and safeguard the future of the planet – and humanity.

The development of safe and effective vaccines is one shining example of how, by working together, will be able to end the pandemic and begin the road to recovery. To succeed, we must ensure vaccines reach everyone. The ACT-Accelerator and COVAX play a key role in this regard, and I am proud that Sweden is both a supporter and a contributor.

To ensure a resilient recovery from the economic downturn and achieve the SDGs, new forms of partnerships and innovative financing are needed. We must also live up to our previously made aid commitments – and I want to stress that Sweden remains firm in its commitment to providing 1 per cent of GNI for ODA. I hope many more will follow us.

This is not the time to step back, but it is the time to step up. Or planet is in a state of climate emergency, and inequalities are increasing day by day.

To translate commitments into actions, we must address three main issues. The debt crisis, we need to engage all creditors and let the debt system be an instrument for green recovery. We need to shift financial flows by adopting green financial instruments and stop investments in fossile fuels, including natural gas. And also, work to strengthen domestic resource mobilisation.

We have to strengthen the underlying economic and social systems, institutions and safety nets, that servers as a buffert against fragility, vulnerability and conflict. Equality is resilience and a prerequisite for leaving no one behind.

The proposed policies are cross-cutting in nature, which highlights the need to discuss our conclusions in relevant multilateral forums, to align our response with the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement. We need an equitable global response which delivers on the principle of leaving no one behind, including by tackling socio-economic- and gender inequality.

Let me conclude by assuring you that Sweden will remain a convinced partner and investor in multilateral solutions. As the current pandemic shows, global solidarity is enlightened self-interest and the only viable alternative. Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 12 apr 2021, 12.05