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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 08:21

National Statement at the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR)

20 sep 2023

Sweden’s National Statement, delivered by Sweden’s Minister for International Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Johan Forssell, at the High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR), New York, 20 September 2023.

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Dear President, ladies and gentlemen, Excellencies,

Many of us have experienced the impact of the pandemic. Many of us also lost someone dear. All of us have shown several times that we can cooperate when required. We simply cannot allow another devastating pandemic to happen. The wide-ranging consequences for food security, trade, education, social protection, equality and on health are too vast.

The Covid-19 pandemic taught us that it is not only about the health sector – all parts of our societies were affected, and subsequently needed in the response. That is why Sweden has been actively engaged in making today’s High-Level Meeting happen.

We believe that there are six key elements to make the world safer from pandemics. Each of them represented in today’s political declaration.

First, strengthened international rules. We must come together to adopt a pandemic agreement and revised International Health Regulations next year.

Second, effective, and equitable access to vaccines, tests and treatments. This requires enhanced scientific and industrial cooperation, free trade and functioning markets and incentives.

Third, a WHO fit for purpose with the authority and independence to support and co-ordinate efforts to prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics.

Fourth, strengthened governance, leadership and accountability, recognizing that all levels of political leadership, and all relevant sectors are needed to prevent and address future pandemics.

Fifth, enhanced financing – domestic and international – for prevention, preparedness and response to pandemics, recognizing that the best way to address future pandemics is to prevent them from ever happening.

Finally, we need monitoring and follow-up to ensure that the world is better prepared in the future, with a follow-up report and a high-level meeting in 2026.

Sweden remains firmly committed to global health. Protecting and promoting people’s health is in everyone’s interest and we all have a shared responsibility to use this opportunity - this political momentum - to achieve the six key elements I just underlined.

Let me end by thanking all those who have been engaged in addressing COVID-19 and other health threats, and who continue to work tirelessly to avoid the ravaging of our planet by future pandemics.

Thank you!

Senast uppdaterad 20 sep 2023, 13.16