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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 12:19

Statement by Sweden at the Climate Action Summit

Statement delivered by His Excellency, Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister of Sweden at the Climate Action Summit, United Nations, 23 September 2019, New York.

Thank you. My entry point is the fact that the climate crisis is a crisis for humanity.

By the time the children of today reach retirement age, they risk experiencing a world where important societal functions in many countries will have simply broken down as a result of conflicts over water, land and food.

But, we can be the generation that solves the challenge of the climate crisis.

The question is: how do we do it?

The answer is to not only listen to scientists, but also take immediate action. In every single area – including industry.


While industry is essential for our modern society,
heavy industry and heavy goods transport also account for about 30 per cent of global emissions. 

Transitioning these sectors from grey to green
will be key in the fight against climate change.

Fossil-free industry will combine climate action with growing economies, long-term competitiveness and new jobs.  

Just look at the example of HYBRIT, with huge potential in fossil-free steel.                                      


In that spirit – and in response to the Secretary-General’s request to co-lead the Industry Transition track – I am happy to announce that Sweden, together with India, is now launching the Leadership Group for Industry Transition, with the support of the World Economic Forum, and a strong group of new member countries.

The group will support and accelerate the transition of heavy industry. 

It will assist sectors and countries in developing roadmaps for going fossil-free and facilitate the necessary innovation and technology transfer.


We must act – in every sector.

With that in mind, I am also pleased to share that Sweden, who already is the largest donor per capita, will double its contribution to the Green Climate Fund.

Everyone has to do their bit for a just transition.

This Leadership Group will deliver a real impact,
and I warmly invite those of you who haven’t already joined to do so.  

Working together, we will tackle this crisis for humanity.

Thank you. 

Senast uppdaterad 23 sep 2019, 18.38