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RepresentationFN, New York

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Statement by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference Main Committee 1

04 aug 2022

Statement delivered by Sweden at the 10th NPT Review Conference Main Committee 1, United Nations , New York


Sweden associates itself with the statement by the European Union. The following remarks are made in a national capacity.

As highlighted by many already, this Conference takes place in a deeply challenging security environment. Sweden condemns in the strongest terms the brutal and unprovoked aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Russia’s invasion and threat of nuclear weapons use are flagrant violations of international law, including the UN Charter. We call on Russia to abide by its international obligations, immediately cease all military actions and withdraw from Ukraine.


The continuing expansion and modernization of nuclear arsenals, the lack of transparency and restraint, and the dismantling of important tenets of the nuclear arms control architecture all give cause for great concern.

Our common goal is a world free from nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Weapon States carry a special responsibility in this regard. But we should all contribute. Actual progress is needed in order to uphold and strengthen the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime, including the NPT.


Sweden together with the 15 members of the Stockholm Initiative for Nuclear Disarmament, and the 24 states that have aligned with our two working papers, are playing our part in trying to achieve progress in an ambitious and realistic manner. Through political engagement, the Initiative has sought to re-build trust by identifying viable short-term measures that can be taken now and that would pave the way for further steps.

The building blocks needed to achieve the goals of the NPT are many. They are well outlined in the Stockholm Initiative stepping stones paper but I want to highlight two: the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty. Sweden’s political and technical support to the CTBTO remains unwavering and we urge all remaining Annex 2 States to immediately sign and ratify the CTBT. Pending entry-into-force, all existing moratoria on nuclear test explosions must be maintained.

Sweden calls for immediate negotiations and the establishment of a treaty banning the production of fissile material for use in nuclear weapons or other explosive devices. States concerned should, if they have not already done so, declare and uphold an immediate moratorium on the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear devices.


The potentially severe humanitarian and environmental consequences of the use of nuclear weapons is one of the reasons behind the NPT. All states have a responsibility to prevent this from ever happening again, , whether intentionally or due to miscalculations or misconceptions. Implementing concrete risk reduction measures, enhancing transparency, and reducing the role of nuclear weapons in doctrines and policies, will increase security, predictability and confidence and decrease tensions. These are necessary steps that will also enhance opportunities for further progress on disarmament. The Stockholm Initiative has put forward concrete proposals in this regard. While risk reduction measures are crucial, they are not a substitute for disarmament.


Sweden wants to ensure that progress on nuclear disarmament verification remains high on our agenda. We strongly encourage more states to engage in this area. Sweden is actively involved in the IPNDV and the QUAD partnerships, both of which continue to yield valuable knowledge and promising results.


Last year, we saw some progress on nuclear arms control and in the P5 dialogue, which constitutes an important platform in fully implementing the NPT, in particular article VI. We urge the Nuclear-Weapon States to deepen their dialogue and engage with Non-Nuclear Weapon States, and we call on all to engage in a constructive manner and to refrain from actions that contradict the NPT’s object and purpose.


Let me assure you that the Swedish delegation will do what it can to help achieve a meaningful outcome of the Review Conference.

Thank you!

Senast uppdaterad 04 aug 2022, 19.15