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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 23:49

Satatement at the UN ECOSOC Coordination Segment

Statement delivered by Ambassador Magnus Lennartsson, at the UN ECOSOC Coordination Segment: Leveraging ECOSOC for an inclusive and resilient recovery guided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, New York, 3 February 2022

Thank you, Chair,

  1. Sweden welcomes this opportunity for the Ecosoc Coordination Segment to address this most urgent of topics: Protecting the Planet, and the  challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation to the COVID-19 recovery.
  2. We all know that progress, despite efforts, progress continues to be uneven and generally insufficient.
  3. Urgent and more action is needed to reverse existing trends, including integrated ecosystem-based approaches, nature-based solutions and sustainable consumption and production.
  4. The search for solutions requires us to closely examine the interlinkages, or “nexus” if you like, between the triple planetary crises of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation.
  5. Recovery from the pandemic provides an opportunity to build back better towards a sustainable, resilient, and inclusive recovery. By investing in innovation and green jobs, societies can benefit from a just and equitable transition to a new green economic model.
  6. This year we commemorate 50 years since the 1972 first United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm and the founding of UNEP. It is an opportune moment to re-examine global environmental action and to chart the course for the future environment agenda.
  7. The UN International Meeting Stockhom+50: A healthy Planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity, co-hosted by Sweden and Kenya in Stockholm on June 2 and 3, will seek to do just that:
  • by reflecting on the urgent need for actions to achieve a healthy planet and prosperity for all
  • by focussing on how to achieve a sustainable and inclusive recovery form the COVID 19 pandemic
  • and how to accelerate the implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the context of the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development.
  1. It is clear that the themes of Stockholm+50 align very closely with those of the ECOSOC and the HLPF. We expect UNEP@50 and Stockholm+50 to generate concrete recommendations that will be of high relevance to these organs as well.
  2. Andersen, you have been appointed Secretary-General of Stockholm+50, and with UNEP as the focal point for preparatory work we are in excellent hands. A Preparatory Meeting for Stockhom+50 will be held here in New York on March 28.
  3. We invite interested stakeholders to register and seek accreditation and to participate in an inclusive, networked co-creative process leading up to Stockholm.
  4. President, Kenya and Sweden would like to welcome you all to actively engage in the UNEP@50 and Stockholm+50 processes in rhe coming weeks and months.

Thank you

Senast uppdaterad 04 feb 2022, 08.02