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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 18:08

Statement by Sweden at the Repositioning the UNDS to deliver on the 2030 Agenda

National statement delivered by Ambassador Irina Schoulgin Nyoni on behalf of Sweden at the Repositioning the United Nations Development System to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, New York, 22 January 2018.

Sweden aligns itself with the statement of the European Union and its Member States. 

Mr/Madam Chair, Mr Secretary General,

As a strong supporter of, and a major contributor to, the UN System, we attach great importance to the reform processes initiated by the Secretary-General. Sweden is highly appreciative of the consultative approach taken by the Secretary-General leading up to the publication of the December report. I would like to highlight a few points that are of particular importance to us in the reform processes. 

First of all, while the report we are discussing today relates to the UN Development System, let me take this opportunity to underline the importance of ensuring that the different ongoing reform initiatives are closely linked and mutually reinforcing. Greater coherence at all levels is essential if the UN is to be equipped to deliver on Agenda 2030. 

Turning to the repositioning of the development system, I would first of all like to recognize that the Resident Coordinator, or RC, system is at the centre of these reform efforts. We welcome the proposals presented to ensure an impartial, independent and empowered Resident Coordinator, who can lead the United Nations’ in-country efforts in support of national governments. For the RC to be the impartial and legitimate representative who can lead the delivery of results on the ground, the operational autonomy of the RC-system, as well as the autonomy of the RC nomination process, must be safeguarded. 

We welcome a discussion on new ways of financing the RC function, provided that this can contribute to both predictability for the system and the independence of the function. We also support the idea of a discretionary integration fund as well as pooled funding to incentivize collaboration and implementation of the UNDAF. 

Secondly, we would like to highlight the critical role of the Specialized Agencies with their important normative functions. We would welcome a thorough elaboration of their critical role in UN Country Teams. How can we include and engage the Specialized Agencies in the way forward?

Mr/Madam Chair,

We look forward with enthusiasm to further discussions on improved funding of the UN Development System and a Funding Compact between the UN system and Member States. The UN System’s willingness to be more cost-effective needs to be part of the discussions on a Funding Compact. Achieving such a contract will require a behavioral change from both the UN Development System and its Agencies, and from Member States – merely adjusting technicalities of the current funding architecture will not be enough. At what level do you envision the Compact to be agreed? Do we aim for an all-encompassing compact for the UNDS as a whole - or a series of compacts relating to the various parts of the UNDS?

Mr/Madam Chair,

It will come as no surprise that my delegation believes that gender equality must be a top priority in all three of the Secretary-General’s reform tracks.  We are pleased with the progress that has been made regarding gender parity in senior staffing positions. We are now eager to hear what is being done to mainstream gender equality throughout the UN? 

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 23 jan 2018, 09.58