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RepresentationFN, New York

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Nordic Statement at the Fourth Thematic Consultation of Our Common Agenda

03 mar 2022

Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Charlotta Schlyter, on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, at the fourth United Nations General Assembly consultations of the report 'Our common Agenda' - Protecting our planet and being prepared for the future, New York, 3 March 2022

Mr/Madam President,

Sweden has the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries:  Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and my own country, Sweden.

At the outset, let me express our full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Our countries have condemned in the strongest possible terms Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, which grossly violates international law and the UN Charter, and undermines international security and stability.

These thematic meetings on Our Common Agenda are very helpful. A strong networked and inclusive multilateral system with the United Nations at its centre has never been more important. Today’s meeting on how we can protect our planet and how we prepare for the future address crucial issues for our future existence on this planet.

We are convinced that it is necessary that all actors in society work actively to reduce emissions, notably through the transition to renewable energy Cooperation between the government, business and civil society is key. For this reason, the Nordic Countries support the recommendations in the report of Our Common Agenda and call for a global effort for a just and inclusive transition.

Reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement will demand substantial financing. To support the green transition, the Nordic countries, together with private investment funds, announced US$130 billion in collective commitments towards clean energy and climate investments by 2030 at COP26 in Glasgow.

It is important that this support reaches those hardest hits by climate change, especially the least developed countries and small island developing states. The recommendation on a solidarity package is therefore extremely relevant.

Globally and nationally, there are clear and strong linkages between human health, climate change, food security and the loss of biodiversity and ecosystems. Lasting solutions will require greater attention to nature-based solutions, as well as to safeguard access to food for all. Food Systems need to be transformed and, in that pursuit, we must not forget about the importance of Blue Foods.

On 2-3 June, Sweden together with Kenya will host the UN International meeting to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm. We see a unique opportunity for accelerating a transformation inspired by youth across the globe, a transformation that redefines our relationship to nature and leads to sustainable and green economies and development within the planetary boundaries.

We look forward to the 2023 UN conference on water as a pivotal moment to galvanize action on water, including the implementation of SDG6.  We need strong leadership from the UN system on global water policy, including advancing the water, peace and security agenda.

Mr/Madam President,

Closely related to climate change and the loss of biodiversity is the question of health. We must reform the global health architecture so that we, as an international community, can better prevent, detect and respond to future pandemics. WHO’s central technical and normative role should be strengthened, and the Organization adequately financed. The pandemic has also shown the need for a comprehensive approach to pandemic preparedness and response across the UN system. We believe that Our Common Agenda is an excellent platform for addressing this need.

We must do our utmost to contribute to equitable access to covid-19 vaccines, tests and treatments. The Nordics fully supported the creation of the ACT-Accelerator and provide funding and vaccine doses through the ACT-Accelerator and its vaccine pillar COVAX. We are committed to support vaccine deployment and roll-out in partner countries, while avoiding disruption of other essential health services.

We need to invest in strong, universal, equitable and resilient health and social protection systems to ensure universal health coverage with the ultimate goal to protect and promote health and reduce inequalities within and between societies, avoiding leaving anyone behind.

Protecting and improving health demands a whole of society approach beyond health systems. The climate crisis is a major health threat, and the linkages between health and climate must be acknowledged and addressed. The “One Health” approach addresses the interface between people, animals, plants and their shared environment, where our efforts to combat antimicrobial resistance is a relevant example.

Mr/Madam President,

We simply cannot achieve the transformative results that Our Common Agenda calls for without a systematic, gender transformative approach. This systematic approach needs to inform all our policies and action, including our budgets. 

Broad and inclusive partnerships are essential for a holistic approach where we utilize expertise from different actors and ensure that processes are owned and led by those impacted by a situation on the ground. It is not enough to consult civil society and other grassroots actors. Rather, they are key partners who should inform all our decisions.

To ensure more meaningful, diverse and effective youth engagement both within and outside the UN is a goal in itself and a means for delivering on Our Common Agenda. The Nordic Countries stand ready to further promote the interests of future generations via national and international decision-making processes. We welcome the SG’s proposal to upgrade the UN Envoy on Youth to a fully-fledged and properly staffed UN Youth Office. In addition, we positively consider the appointment of a Special Envoy for Future Generations and look forward to receiving more information on its function and financing, while emphasizing the importance of close collaboration between the Youth Envoy and a Special Envoy for Future Generations.

Finally, we welcome the proposals to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations and its foresight capacity, including presenting a regular Strategic Foresight and Global Risk Report. The proposed Emergency Platform to respond to complex global crises is something we should consider taking forward and could be part of the High-Level Advisory Board’s report in view of the Summit of the Future.

Thank you, Mr President.

Senast uppdaterad 03 mar 2022, 14.37