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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 02:41

National Statement, High-Level Political Forum 2024

17 jul 2024

National statement from Sweden, delivered by Ambassador Charlotta Schlyter at the High-Level Political Forum, 16 July, 2024.

Thank you Chair,

Sweden aligns itself with the statement made by the EU.

  • The world is in a different place compared to when the 2030 Agenda was adopted.

  • The pace of poverty reduction has slowed down. Humanitarian needs are rising. Climate change is accelerating. Democracy has receded, affecting global peace and stability. The effects of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine reverberates globally and the war between Israel and Hamas has caused enormous human suffering.

  • The global needs are extensive, and the funding gap is growing. Financing must be at the heart of our discussions.


  • Sweden is proud to be at the forefront of delivering on sustainable development – allocating more than 0.9% of our Gross National Income to Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2023, thus continuing to exceed the UN 0.7% ODA/GNI target and being one of the largest bilateral providers of ODA. We are a leading contributor of climate finance, humanitarian assistance and support to the development banks and the UN system. However, we all know that ODA will never be enough to turbocharge the SDGs. Against that background, allow me to make three points.

  • First, we must ensure that our aid is catalytic and contributes to mobilizing additional resources, including private capital. Sweden is advancing innovative solutions to de-risk and unleash private capital, including an extended use of guarantees.

  • Second, we need to strengthen synergies between development cooperation, private investments, trade, and innovation to bolster the green transformation and sustainable growth. We have therefore embarked on a new reform agenda for our development cooperation and adopted a new strategy on trade, investment and global competitiveness. Increased interaction between these areas is crucial to meet both short and long-term challenges to fight poverty and strengthen resilience.

  • Third, driving national reforms to create favourable conditions for development is key for all of us. It is a fact that governance based on democratic principles, a vital civil society and free media - simply speaking strong accountability institutions - drives economic and social development forward and combats corruption.


  • Sweden continues to deliver on our joint commitments to achieving the 2030 Agenda and advance effective and rules-based multilateralism. All states should be able to embrace the possibilities brought by the green and digital transitions.

  • As co-facilitators on the Global Digital Compact, we are dedicated to advance an open, sustainable, safe and secure digital future for all. We can only achieve this through strengthened international cooperation on digital technologies, including AI, that closes all digital divides including gender. By partnering, we can collectively harness the benefits and manage the risks.


  • The Summit of the Future and the fourth international conference on Financing for Development will be major opportunities for us to agree on ambitious outcomes. Together we can – and must - accelerate the implementation of the SDGs.

  • Thank you.
Senast uppdaterad 17 jul 2024, 11.12