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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 06:23

National Statement at the Executive Board of UNFPA

02 feb 2024

National Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Karin Eneström, at first regular session of the UNFPA Executive Board 2024, 1 February 2024

Mr President,

Let me start by thanking Madam Executive Director for her presentation.

In December last year, the Swedish Government adopted a new strategic direction for our development cooperation entitled “Development assistance for a new era – freedom, empowerment, and sustainable growth”.

Our goal is to transform Sweden’s development assistance – making it even more focused, relevant, effective, and transparent. Access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for all is one of the main priorities in this Reform Agenda.

This year we will celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development. We are looking forward to reconfirming our full commitment to the ICPD Agenda. We count on UNFPA to use its normative role and broad presence at country level to continue to advocate for SRHR for all.

Sweden has a very strong and close relationship with UNFPA. Sweden is consistently among the top donors of flexible support. In addition, we also use our earmarked funds to support your work in the most prioritised country contexts.

We are deeply concerned about several ongoing humanitarian crises which seriously hinder access to SRHR services.  

Last year, Sweden earmarked support for UNFPA’s humanitarian work in Ukraine and Moldova. Sweden welcomes the extension of the UNFPA Country Program for Ukraine, to be adopted later during this session.

Sweden also made an additional contribution to UNFPA to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza to meet the most urgent needs of women and children.

UNFPA has proven, time and time again, that the organisation stays and delivers sexual and reproductive health and rights services in very complex situations. We highly appreciate the dedication and professionalism of UNFPA’s leadership and staff.

Regarding the relocation of the Evaluation Office and the Programme and Strategy Division from New York to Nairobi, Sweden emphasises the importance of an inclusive and transparent process. We are interested in more information about the benefit and risk analyses behind the decision. We would also like to emphasize the importance of a robust Programme Liaison Branch in New York, with relevant expertise at senior level. It is crucial that the relocation does not negatively impact UNFPA’s normative role or results at country level.

To conclude, I can assure you of Sweden’s strong commitment to every individual’s right to decide over their own body, health, and sexuality and of our steadfast support to UNFPA.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 02 feb 2024, 16.47