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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 06:29

National Statement at the UNFPA Executive Board

05 jun 2024

National Statement delivered by H.E. Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN, at the Annual Session of the UNFPA Executive Board, 5 June 2024

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Mr. President,

Let me start by thanking the Executive Director Dr. Kanem for her presentation of the annual report and the midterm review of the strategic plan.

Sweden takes note with appreciation of the excellent progress made in achieving the results of the strategic plan.

We welcome that the annual report clearly presents results and lessons learned, as well as the challenges that UNFPA has experienced in implementing the strategic plan.

Sweden supports the revisions of the strategic plan and budget and underlines the importance of linking resources to results.

UNFPA is a key partner to Sweden, and we have high expectations of efficiency, effectiveness and results, and stress the importance of risk management as essential to an effective and efficient accomplishment of goals and objectives. We expect UNFPA to adhere to the highest standards of risk management at all levels. Furthermore, we underline the importance of a culture of ethics, integrity, transparency and accountability.

We are deeply concerned about the ongoing humanitarian crises and the serious constraints for humanitarian actors to deliver lifesaving SRHR support and other SRHR services. We salute UNFPA and other humanitarian actors for being present and delivering in the most challenging humanitarian situations.

We note the increase in humanitarian funding and that UNFPA has continued to expand its humanitarian response. We encourage UNFPA to continue to strengthen the capacity of country offices to operate in complex emergency settings. UNFPA must ensure that the necessary human resources are in place for both implementation and proper monitoring and follow-up in hard-to-reach areas.

Humanitarian aid remains a top priority for the Swedish government. Sweden supports UNFPA’s humanitarian work through our core support. We also support UNFPA’s operations in Gaza, Sudan, Moldova and Ukraine through UNFPA’s Humanitarian Thematic Fund. Last month, Sweden decided to make an additional contribution to UNFPA’s humanitarian response in Palestine.

When a growing resistance against SRHR is increasingly apparent, the importance of UNFPA’s mandate, mirrored in the work at country level, is also growing.

UNFPA must ensure that the country offices and the implementing partners have the capacity and skills to fully implement the SRHR mandate and that a human rights based approach permeates UNFPA’s work. To fully realise UNFPA’s strategic plan, Sweden encourages UNFPA to further invest in human rights expertise at all levels, not least at regional levels.

Another concern is UNFPA’s dependency on a few top donors. Sweden therefore also encourages UNFPA to increase its efforts to broaden the donor base and to mobilize domestic resources.

To conclude, I would like to thank UNFPA’s leadership and staff for their dedication and tireless work ensuring sexual and reproductive health and rights for all.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 05 jun 2024, 12.12