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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 22:22

National statement at the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development

25 apr 2022

National Statement by Minister for International Development Cooperation, H.E. Ms. Matilda Ernkrans at the 2022 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development, New York, 25 April 2022

Chairperson, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen.

Serious parallel crises are now our reality.

The COVID-19-pandemic has been coupled with a mounting geopolitical insecurity caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which has led to immense human suffering. Our planet is in a state of climate emergency.

We are facing an increasingly diverging world that could lead to a lost decade for sustainable development - reversing development gains for millions of people in poor countries and aggravating conditions for these countries to raise sufficient resources for sustainable investment – a severe setback for the 2030 Agenda. The ones of us gathered here today plays an important role to create unity around resource mobilization for reaching the sustainable development goals. We will not get there, if we do not invest.

Firstly, we need to invest in a green inclusive transition. Ahead of COP15 and COP27, Stockholm+50 will aim to connect climate and environmental action with development priorities and accelerate the implementation of our joint commitments.

Secondly, we need an equitable global response which delivers on the principle of leaving no one behind, including tackling socio-economic and gender inequality. We need to make sure that COVID-19 vaccines reach everyone. Building inclusive systems for social protection through well-functioning taxation systems is an important part of this work.

I’d like to address the debt crisis. We need to engage all creditors and let the debt system be an instrument for green recovery by adopting green financial instruments and stop investments in fossil fuels.
This was a central theme also at the World Bank Spring meeting which I attended last week.

New forms of partnerships and innovative financing are central. Sustainable private investments are needed at scale to support the sustainable development goals.

We must live up to our aid commitments and ensure a flexible funding to the UN-System. Sweden remains firm in its commitment to provide 1 per cent of GNI for ODA.

Let me conclude by assuring that Sweden will remain an engaged partner and investor in multilateral and collaborative solutions.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 25 apr 2022, 17.30