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RepresentationFN, New York

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National Statement at the High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance

26 sep 2024

National Statement, delivered by H.E. Acko Ankarberg, Minister for Health Care of Sweden, at the High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance, New York, 22 September 2024

Mr. President, Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Sweden aligns with the EU statement delivered by Commissioner Kyriakides.

Sweden’s first national action plan was published in the year 2000 but already in 1986 we banned animal use of antibiotics for growth promotion. To take bold and impactful decisions to counteract AMR, you don’t need to have an adopted action plan or declaration. Imperative action cannot be delayed.

Today’s political declaration is however an important step. Let me highlight three critical points which can help boost our joint work forward.

Firstly, the commitment we have made to set national targets. Evidence-based targets stemming from assessments of existing needs are critical, not least for the allocation of required resources. This commitment can have a considerable impact in advancing national work, and hence global progress.

Secondly, we have strengthened governance and agreed on an independent evidence panel. We will also enhance a framework for assessment of progress and experience exchange, which – in the future – may be expanded into a binding voluntary agreement. These first steps are welcome and Sweden would support further steps towards a possible framework convention on AMR.

Thirdly, financing. By setting the target of 60 percent of member states having funded national action plans by 2030, external and domestic resource mobilisation must be leveraged. Existing funding sources must increase their contribution to AMR and access must be facilitated. Sweden is a proud donor to the AMR Multi-Partner Trust Fund, however the donor base needs to be expanded, just as stated in the declaration.

Colleagues, Sweden remains deeply committed to counteracting AMR and its consequences. Only by determined joint work, across countries and across sectors in a One Health Approach, do we stand a chance of securing effective treatments of infections for all – humans and animals – now and in the future.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 26 sep 2024, 16.12