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RepresentationFN, New York

Lokal tid 16:33

EU Statement – UN Security Council: Briefing on Ukraine

24 aug 2022

Statement by H.E. Mr. Silvio Gonzato, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations on behalf of the European Union and its Member States, at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine, 24 August 2022, New York


I have the honour to speak on behalf of the EU and its Member States.

The Candidate Countries North Macedonia*, Montenegro*, Albania* and the Republic of Moldova, the country of the Stabilisation and Association Process and potential candidate Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as Georgia, Andorra and San Marino align themselves with this statement.

We welcome today’s discussion on Ukraine. It is essential that the Security Council remain seized of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. I thank the Secretary-General and USG DiCarlo for their briefings.

Let me first of all congratulate Ukraine on the 31st anniversary of its independence. The fact that today also marks the sixth month since Russia’s unprovoked and illegal aggression, provides a stark reminder that independence can never be taken for granted. The EU recognizes the tremendous courage displayed by Ukraine and its people in defence of its independence. OHCHR has verified over 13.000 civilian casualties since Russia’s attack, with the true numbers being considerably higher. We express our deepest sympathy to the families of the victims and reaffirm our commitment to continuing our support to Ukraine in any way we can.

The EU reiterates its strongest condemnation for the continued violation by Russia of the UN Charter as well as its disregard of the UNGA resolutions adopted in March this year by an overwhelming majority of UN members. We also deplore Russia’s failure to comply with the legally binding order of the International Court of Justice to immediately cease its use of force against Ukraine. And we call upon the Russian Federation to comply with its obligations under international law, including the UN Charter, international humanitarian law and human rights law. The perpetrators of war crimes and other serious violations, as well as the responsible government officials and military representatives, will be held accountable. The EU actively supports all measures to ensure accountability for human rights violations and violations of international humanitarian law committed during the Russian aggression in Ukraine.

The past months we have seen an emerging risk of nuclear calamity in Europe. It is deplorable that we even need to say that a nuclear power plant should never be used as a military base. The deployment of Russian military personnel and weaponry at the nuclear facility is unacceptable and disregards the safety, security and safeguards principles that all IAEA members have committed to respect. We urge the Russian Federation to immediately withdraw its military forces and all other unauthorised personnel from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant and its immediate surroundings so that the operator and Ukrainian authorities can resume their sovereign responsibilities within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and so that the legitimate operating staff can conduct their duties without outside interference, threat, or unacceptably harsh working conditions. An IAEA mission urgently needs to enter the power plant to address nuclear safety, security and safeguards concerns, in a manner that respects full Ukrainian sovereignty and its control over its territory and infrastructure. IAEA staff must be able to access all nuclear facilities in Ukraine safely and without impediment, and engage directly, and without interference, with the Ukrainian personnel responsible for the operation of these facilities.

The global implications of Russia’s aggression are well documented. We support the UN’s Global Crisis Response Group, launched in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion with a view to addressing rocketing food and energy prices. We welcome the progress made in implementing the Black Sea Grain Initiative, reiterate our gratitude to the Secretary-General and Türkiye for facilitating its agreement and acknowledge the positive role played by other actors such as the African Union leadership in coming to an arrangement. We call for continued strict implementation of the Black Sea Grain Initiative with a view to addressing rising food prices globally. With our own Solidarity Lanes initiative, aimed at boosting exports from Ukraine over land, the EU is proud to have contributed to increasing Ukrainian exports of cereals, oilseeds and related products from 1.3 million tonnes in April to 2.8 million tonnes in July. We are also supporting agricultural production and resilience in the most affected countries.

The EU welcomes the active involvement of the Secretary-General. Your recent visits to Ukraine and Istanbul demonstrate your dedication and the EU will continue to support your efforts, and those of your staff, including in the Joint Coordination Centre. We welcome your calls to demilitarize the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant as well as the establishment of a Fact-Finding mission to investigate the incident in a detention facility in Olenivka.


In conclusion, the EU and its Member States reaffirm their commitment to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders and extending to its territorial sea. This war is senseless. The humanitarian consequences for millions of civilians are disastrous. Russia could end it tomorrow if it wanted by withdrawing – fully, immediately, and unconditionally. Until that happens, human lives are wasted and the war’s global fallout continues, at a time in history where we should focus on the planetary crises which are impacting us all. This is why we reiterate our demand for the immediate cessation of the military aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation as well as for the full, immediate and unconditional withdrawal of its forces and military equipment from Ukraine’s territory. In the meantime we wish to assure our partners around the world that the EU will continue to demonstrate its global solidarity to address the impacts of Russia’s aggression, especially on the most vulnerable.

I thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 24 aug 2022, 12.38