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National Statement by Sweden, 3rd Committee (18 October, 2023)

18 okt 2023

Sweden's national statement for Third Committee general discussion on item 71 (a, b, c, d) on Human Rights (18 October, 2023)

Mr. President,

If you ask a random person on the street what they think of when they hear the words ’’human rights’’ they might say:

’’Equal rights’’. Or possibly: ’’Freedom from fear’’.

Freedom. Equality.

A perfect summary of that stunningly beautiful first sentence of the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

’’ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.’’

A sentence that has been repeated so often in the past 75 years, that we sometimes forget what a defining perspective it represents.

Throughout human history it has in fact been very rare for a human being to be born free, in the sense ‘’free to live the life you wish’’.

Nor – as you know - have we been equal.

Our sex, the colour of our skin, our religion, our class our sexual orientation or our disability traditionally set strict limits for what was possible. Defined our worth and our rights in the eyes of society.

The greatness of the Universal Declaration – and the reason its impact has been so enormous - is that it challenges these hierarchies.

It puts the individual – the so-called ordinary person – at the centre.

It determines that States must respect the rights of the individual. Protect these rights against abuses, even against the rich and powerful. And ensure that everyone’s basic human needs are fulfilled, so that the full potential of every individual can be fully realised.

But the Universal Declaration is not just a vision. It is also a blueprint for how that vison can be achieved.

It sets up a system with individuals as rights-holders and States as duty-bearers, accountable for violations.

It has inspired an expanding infrastructure for accountability at the national, regional and international level.

Yet, as we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we know that this system is being challenged.

We are seeing efforts to weaken accountability, to dilute and divert the obligations of States.

Efforts to restore traditional power structures, by turning the clock back on gender equality, the rights of LGBTI-persons and on sexual and reproductive rights.

The harassment and illegal detention of journalists and human rights defenders. The closing down of civic space: the suppression of independent media and judiciaries.

And most alarming of all: we are seeing more armed conflicts than at any time since 1945, with an increase in extrajudicial executions, torture, sexual and gender-based violence and other conflict-related violations.

Russia’s ruthless aggression against Ukraine, in blatant violation of international law and the UN Charter, is an obvious, and horrific, example.

Mr President,

In this dark period of war, let us return for a moment to that first article of the Universal Declaration, to the second sentence.

It is less often quoted than the first. It is rarely printed on mugs or tote bags. Yet it is, perhaps, equally important:

‘’They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’’

This sentence is important, because it underlines another essential thing about human rights: it is up to us.

The choices we make, how we act towards one another, how we safeguard the international rules-based order that we have inherited, is ultimately what will determine our future.

There is no one else that will come and fix this world for us.

The international human rights system is one of mankind’s greatest achievements, but like any other form of infrastructure it requires maintenance to continue to function. It needs us to speak up in its defence, when it is being challenged.

It requires our reason, and our conscience, perhaps more than ever.

Sweden will continue to stand together with all global partners who are ready to take on this challenge.

In this anniversary year, there is simply no acceptable alternative.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 18 okt 2023, 16.47