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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 15:22

Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia

25 sep 2019

42nd session of the UN Human Rights Council.

Mr President, 

Sweden aligns itself with the EU-statement and thanks Mr Nyanduga for his report. 

Sweden is heavily invested long-term in Somalia. Our bilateral ties are close, shown through our large development cooperation and thanks to the Somali diaspora living in and contributing to society in Sweden. 

Over time, Somalia has made profound progress in several critical areas. Through effective economic reforms, Somalia is approaching a formal debt relief process. This could have tremendous impact on the daily life of the Somali people. 

However, fundamental challenges still lie ahead, not least ahead of general elections in 2020/2021. Institutional capacities need to be strengthened, reconciliation and inclusive democratic processes enhanced, and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights increased. We expect that Somalia Partnership Forum next week will enable necessary discussions on these and other key challenges. 

Mr Nyanduga, 

Despite some progress, we share your expressed concern over remaining human rights challenges, notably the lack of free and equal participation for women. In our cooperation with Somalia and the UN, women’s security and meaningful participation is an issue of high importance ahead of the general elections. In your view, what is the most urgent action necessary to take in this regard and how can the international community best support? 

Thank you. 

Senast uppdaterad 25 sep 2019, 14.46