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RepresentationFN, Genève

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Clustered interactive dialogue with the SRSG on Violence against Children and the SRSG on Children and Armed Conflict

06 mar 2018

Intervention by Sweden delivered by H.E. Ambassador Veronika Bard, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations in Geneva. 37th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva, March 6th, 2018.

Mr. President,

Sweden aligns itself with the EU-statement and thanks Ms. Santos País and Ms. Gamba for their reports. We reiterate our strong support for your mandates.

Almost 40 years after becoming the first country to prohibit corporal punishment in all settings, Sweden is intensifying its efforts to the protection of the rights of the child and to combat all forms of violence against children. Let me mention three recent examples.

1. The Swedish Government is working to finalize a bill to Parliament to incorporate the Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish law. The act is proposed to enter into force January 1st, 2020.

2. Sweden organized the first ever [Agenda 2030 for Children -] End Violence Solutions Summit in Stockholm in February, gathering actors from all sectors and called for joint action to eliminate all forms of violence against children. We thank both Ms. Santos País and Ms. Gamba’s for participating and for their valuable input during the Summit.

3. Under Swedish leadership, the Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict has over the last 12 months adopted five conclusions, with concrete recommendations: on Colombia, Somalia, Sudan, the Philippines and Nigeria. As a sign of its commitment, the Government has appointed an Ambassador for Children and Armed Conflict. Later this month, Sweden will organize a Child Forum in Stockholm addressing these issues.

But we are far from done! Millions of children around the world have their human rights violated every day. The SRSGs efforts remain crucial to this end.

Mr. President,

Sexual violence is a global plague, occurring in and out of conflict and affecting both girls and boys. To prevent and respond to such violence, sexual and reproductive health and rights are essential. Therefore, Sweden would like to ask Ms. Santos País and Ms. Gamba respectively, what challenges they see as to ensure that every child have access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services, in and out of situations of conflict.

I thank you. 

Senast uppdaterad 07 mar 2018, 09.59