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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 16:53

41st session of the UPR Working Group - Review of Algeria

Recommendations by Sweden delivered by Mr Fredrik Nivaeus, Minister Counselor, Deputy Permanent Representative


Sweden acknowledges that Algeria’s Constitution of 2020 is referencing the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights and recognises that Algeria is a party to the major international conventions on human rights. At the same time, serious concerns remain regarding the rights to freedom of expression and opinion and media freedom as well as women’s enjoyment of human rights and the independence of the judiciary.

Sweden would like to make the following recommendations:

  1. Reform the Penal Code to safeguard the rights to freedom of expression and opinion as well as media freedom
  2. Take measures to improve the legal protection of women with a view to ending discrimination when it comes to inheritance, marriage, divorce, child custody and guardianship.
  3. Take measures to further strengthen the independence of the judiciary.

Thank you

Senast uppdaterad 11 nov 2022, 16.32