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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 21:00

Understanding masculinities

What does it mean to be a man in the Middle East and North Africa today? How do men and women view masculinity and men’s roles - as sons, husbands and fathers, at home and at work , in public and private life - and where do those perceptions come from? These were crucial questions discussed at the event hosted by the Permanent Mission of Sweden, UN Women and Promundo. The event expanded on the International Men and Gender Equality Survey – the largest multi-country study carried out on the topic in the region.

“Women and men, boys and girls alike are cornerstones of development and economic prosperity, Minister Counsellor Karin Bolin said in her opening remarks. “By adopting a feminist foreign policy my government has made gender equality not only a national priority but also a guiding principle in our international relations. The financing of this study is a concrete output from Sweden’s feminist foreign policy.”, she stated.

Practicing gender equality is the most efficient way to advance its cause.

For more information on the study visit:

Senast uppdaterad 17 sep 2018, 15.26