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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 11:53

WHO Conference on Air Pollution and Health - Swedish intervention on plenary session

01 nov 2018

Swedish intervention on plenary session delivered by Director General Johan Carlson of the Swedish Public Health Agency.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to outline the Swedish perspective, a country with a relatively favorable situation. However despite this we take air pollution very seriously.

The parliament has passed a new Public Health Bill and a new Climate Act with a long-term target that Sweden by 2045 is to have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which will have a clear positive effect on air quality and health.

The most severe problems occur in cities and within the transportation system and I will share a few examples of actions:

  • ·       A bonus-malus system has been introduced where vehicles with low emissions of carbon dioxide will qualify for bonus on purchase while high emission cars will be taxed at a higher rate.
  • ·       Two full scale test facilities for electric roads are in operation today.
  • ·       Local authorities are allowed to introduce low emission zones in cities also covering light vehicles.
  • ·       A premium for purchase of electric vehicles has been introduced. 

In addition….

  • ·       financial incentives have been introduced to support the transition of industry to lower emission levels.

Thank you!

Senast uppdaterad 01 nov 2018, 18.03