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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 23:43

47th session of the UPR Working group - Review of Norway

04 nov 2024

Recommendations by Sweden


Sweden welcomes Norway’s strong and long-standing commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights, nationally and internationally. Sweden welcomes the progress made since the last UPR-cycle. However, Sweden would like to make the following recommendations:

  1. Compile and publish data on reported hate crime, including racist and xenophobic hate crime, hate crime against persons belonging to religious groups and LGBTIQ-related hate crime. 
  2. Implement measures to prevent and combat domestic and sexual gender-based violence against women and children, including by ensuring that perpetrators are prosecuted and held accountable. 
  3. Enhance efforts to ensure the welfare and reunification of children in custodial care, in accordance with relevant ECHR judgements.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 14 nov 2024, 12.34