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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 11:53

United Nations Human Rights Council 39th Session

Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update Statement by Sweden

Mr. President,

Mrs. High Commissioner,

Sweden aligns itself with the statement by the EU.

Sweden wishes to express itswarmest congratulations on your appointment as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Your distinguished background, experience, and human rights expertise will be instrumental to the further development of the OHCHR.

Human rights are under pressure. We are witnessing repressive trends such as the shrinking of democraticspace, reprisals, violence against human rights defenders,as well as a lack of accountability for human rights violations and abuses. The equal and inalienable rights of all persons must continue to be defended and we must counteract allattempts to water down and relativize human rights and their universality. Sweden has the highest confidence in your  leadership in this endeavor.

The mandate and work of your office is of the utmost importance, not least to bring ongoing human rights concerns, particularly country specific situations, to our attention. It is vital that the High Commissioner is a strong voice against human rights violations and abuses, wherever they may occur.

Sweden would also like to thank the Office for the significant work in the field, often in conflict situations, highlighting the importance of working with actors on-site, including civil society, human rights defenders and victims.

Mainstreaming human rights throughout the entire UN system and in all three pillars of the UN is of vital importance. Sweden hopes that Human Rights Up Front will be increasingly emphasized and that you will continue to strengthen the links between Geneva and New York.

With a strong collective voice, we can protect and promote human rights across the globe. In these challenging times, Sweden pledges its full and unwavering support to you and your Office.

I thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 11 sep 2018, 13.04