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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 01:07

Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on Brunei Darussalam

10 maj 2019

UN Human Rights Council, UPR 33rd session. Delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin.

Mr. President,

Sweden strongly opposes the death penalty, in all times and circumstances and is deeply concerned over the recently introduced legislation on death penalty by stoning and other cruel and inhuman punishments. The new legislation violates international human rights law, and Sweden would therefore like to make the following recommendation:

1.      To revoke immediately the new legislation from April 3rd 2019 that imposes the use of death penalty for homosexuality and adultery and introduces other cruel and inhuman punishments. 

Sweden wishes Brunei all success in the current review.  

I thank you Mr. President.

Senast uppdaterad 10 maj 2019, 12.04