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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 01:28

Statement by Sweden in the General Debate on Item 3

09 mar 2021

46th session of the Human Rights Council. Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Jardfelt.

Madame President,

Democratic principles are under threat, democratic institutions are being undermined, and democratic space is shrinking. The trend of democratic backsliding and weakened respect for human rights has been exacerbated by the pandemic. This has a particular impact on individuals who are already at risk of being discriminated, such as women and girls and LGBTIQ persons.

Human rights defenders are key to maintaining a vibrant civil society and crucial for democracy but find themselves under greater pressure today than ever before. This is true also for trade unionists demanding human rights in the world of work, such as rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, decent work and women’s equal access to the labour market, at times at great personal risk.

The defence and promotion of democracy remains a top priority of Sweden’s foreign policy and is more relevant than ever. We will continue to be a strong voice for democracy around the world. The pandemic should never be used as a pretext to limit or violate human rights or undermine international norms and principles. The rules-based world order must be preserved.

International cooperation and solidarity are today more important than ever, including strong financial and political support for the multilateral system.

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 09 mar 2021, 15.23