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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 16:52

Statement by Sweden in the interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner's report on ensuring accountability for all violations of international law in the OPT

26 feb 2020

43rd session of the Human Rights Council. Statement delivered by Ambassador Veronika Bard.

Madam President,

Thank you, High Commissioner, for presenting your report on ensuring accountability for all violations of International law in the OPT.

The situation we are witnessing is not sustainable, and the lack of accountability for violations of human rights is of concern.

Plans for new settlements in and near Jerusalem, which were recently presented, further seriously undermine the prospects of the two-state solution. We fear continued deterioration of the respect for human rights, including as the threat of annexation of large parts of the West Bank increase tensions.

Reports of alleged human rights violations by the Palestinian security forces in the West Bank and by Hamas security forces in Gaza are also of deep concern and must be duly investigated.

Sweden recalls Security Council's resolution 2334 and the need for its full implementation, including the importance of differentiation.

The International community must ensure that all countries act in accordance with international law.

Thank you, Madam President.

Senast uppdaterad 26 feb 2020, 17.11