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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 21:27

Opening Statement by Sweden at the 61st Series of WIPO Assemblies

21 sep 2020

Statement delivered by Ambassador Anna Jardfelt.

Mr. Chair,

we would like to express our gratitude to you, Ambassador Omar ZNIBER, for all your work, as well as to the Vice-Chairs and the Secreatariat.

This delegation fully supports the statements made by United Kingdom on behalf of Group B, and by Germany, on behalf of EU and its member states. This statement is an abbrevieated version of the written one.

Sweden would like to pay tribute to the Director General Francis Gurry and the Senior Management. We value your outstanding work to further the international intellectual property system.

We would also like to congratulate Director General-elect Daren Tang and look forward to collaborate with you. We expect that WIPO will continue to be a role model of good governance in the UN system, having a focus on transparency, accountability and financial prudence, especially bearing in mind the uncertain economic outlook following the on-going pandemic.

In order to meet future challenges and deliver its mission, WIPO needs to be an attractive workplace, ensuring work-life balance, inclusivity and gender balance especially at senior levers.

Intellectual property is today more than ever a driver of economic development. The pandemic has pushed digitalisation, making a well-functioning IP law framework central to all economies.

The digital transformation brings opportunities and challenges to the management of intangible assets. We therefore place great value in WIPO's efforts to identify and discuss these, such as the discussion on AI, the new initiative WIPO For Creators, established in cooperation with the Music Rights Awareness Foundation in Sweden, and WIPO PROOF to safeguard digital files.

For Sweden, facilitating a green transition through innovation is essential, and to this end WIPO GREEN is a great example, connecting providers and seekers of environmentally friendly technologies to catalyse green technology innovation and diffusion.

Finally, Sweden looks forward to continuing its successful cooperation and dialogue with WIPO.

Thank you, Chair.

Senast uppdaterad 21 sep 2020, 17.05