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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 00:51

Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner on Myanmar

04 jul 2018

UN Human Rights Council, 38th session. Sweden's speech delivered by Permanent Representative Veronika Bard.

Thank you, Mr Vice-President.

Sweden aligns itself with the statement made by the EU.

We warmly thank the High Commissioner for his work and update.

We once again conclude that the situation for the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities in Myanmar demands this council’s attention. The special session on the situation in Rakhine State was held while the exodus of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing was at the centre of global attention. We all share the responsibility to remain seized of this situation, even when media focus turns to crises elsewhere.

I would like to draw the council’s attention to the children of the Rohingya community, to the extremely serious accounts of grave sexual and gender based violence, abuse, and killing of children. Last week’s Amnesty International report added to previous accounts of these atrocities, of which some are still ongoing as we speak.

We reiterate that the well-organised, widespread and systematic attacks on the Rohingya community in Rakhine State clearly indicates that crimes against humanity have been committed. Accountability for these atrocities must be ensured. A referral to the International Criminal Court, but also other international mechanisms for accountability, must be seriously considered if impunity is not speedily and thoroughly addressed by national means. We have so far seen few credible signs of action on accountability. The widespread climate of impunity prevails. Little progress has been made on implementing the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State recommendations on ending discrimination and statelessness of the Rohingya.

Therefore, we welcome the proposal by SR Lee on an accountability mechanism and suggests it should be actively considered as a way of taking concrete action to live up to this Council’s repeated commitment to ensure accountability. We all know that time is of essence to preserve evidence.

Mr High Commissioner: Could you elaborate on how various UN bodies and functions would coordinate around this proposed mechanism, and how can states best be of support?

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 04 jul 2018, 17.01