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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 13:01

Interactive Dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

02 jul 2019

Human Rights Council 41 session. Joint Statement by the Nordic Countries. Delivered by Minister Counsellor Oscar Ekéus.

I have the honor to make this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries, [Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden].

The continued flagrant disregard for international law in Syria, in particular by the Syrian regime and its allies, is appalling.

The people of Syria continue to be killed, maimed, arbitrarily detained, tortured, raped and displaced. While the international community has been unable to stop the brutal and systematic violence and human rights violations and abuses, our efforts and calls for cessation of hostilities, full humanitarian access, respect for international law and accountability, must continue.

The situation in Idlib, with the regime’s and its allies’ indiscriminate bombardment of civilians and civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, is horrific. We strongly condemn the systematic and brutal attacks against civilians and call on the parties to the conflict, in particular the regime and its allies, to immediately cease hostilities and live up to their obligations under international law. We also call on the parties to the ceasefire agreement to honor their commitments and ensure that the ceasefire is reinstated.

While condemning the ongoing horrors in Idlib, we must, never forget previous atrocities carried out in places like Eastern Ghouta, Aleppo and Homs. Our efforts for justice and accountability continue, as does our unwavering support for the CoI, IIIM, and all courageous human rights defenders in Syria who are risking their lives to bring justice and accountability. Because one day there must be justice, the atrocities and serious violations of international law cannot and will not be subject to impunity. 

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 02 jul 2019, 18.21