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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 12:54

Interactive Dialogue on the OHCHR Report on Ukraine

03 jul 2018

UN Human Rights Council, 38th session. Statement by Sweden, H.E. Ambassador Veronika Bard.

Mr. President, 

Sweden fully aligns itself with the statement made by the European Union. 

We thank the High Commissioner for the update. More than four years on since the start of Russian aggression, there is still no tangible progress in the human rights situation in eastern Ukraine and the illegally annexed Crimea. Innocent people caught in this protracted conflict continue to be refused a life in dignity. Elderly struggle to access pensions and children risk losing their lives to mines on their way to school. Imminent environmental disasters are threating drinking water. This is unacceptable. The ceasefire agreement must be observed and demining efforts intensified.  

Meanwhile, Sweden follows with concern the hunger strikes of Volodymyr Balukh and Oleh Sentsov. We recall the UN General Assembly resolution 72/190, which urges “the Russian Federation to immediately release Ukrainian citizens who were unlawfully detained and judged without regard for elementary standards of justice”.

Let me end by expressing Sweden’s continued support for the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission. Their reports are an invaluable source of information and it is a disgrace that they continue to be denied access to Crimea. 

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 04 jul 2018, 11.35