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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 12:04

HRC42: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update

11 sep 2019

United Nations Human Rights Council 42nd Session. Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner’s oral update. Statement by Sweden delivered by Minister Counsellor Karin Bolin.

Mr. President,

High Commissioner,

Sweden aligns itself with the EU-statement.

Let me first thank the High Commissioner for her update and reports and reiterate our full support for her work.

Regarding Myanmar, Sweden welcomes that the Independent Investigation Mechanism for Myanmar has been deemed operational. It is an important step towards accountability for perpetrators of crimes under international law and justice for the many victims. The urgency of these efforts cannot be stressed enough. Continued adequate funding must be ensured.

Sweden expresses its serious concern about the deteriorating human rights situation in Venezuela. Sweden fully supports the High Commissioner’ efforts to ensure full respect for human rights and welcomes the recommendations in her report. We call on the Government of Venezuela to fully cooperate with the OHCHR to secure their implementation.

In Palestine, human rights violations under the Israeli occupation remain of serious concern. Sweden recalls Security Council resolution 2334 and condemns the continued settlements expansion, which violates international law and undermines the two-state solution. Reports of violations in Palestinian detention by the Palestinian Authority, and of human rights violations in Gaza, are deeply worrying. All humanitarian actors must be granted full access and the closure must end. Any measures to defend a state’s borders must be proportionate, using lethal force only as a last resort. We call on all parties to cooperate with the Commission of Inquiry.

I thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 11 sep 2019, 10.23