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RepresentationFN, Genève

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Interactive Dialogue Special Rapporteur on minority issues

13 mar 2019

United Nations Human Rights Council, 40th session. Interactive Dialogue Special Rapporteur on minority issues. Statement by Sweden delivered by Ambassador Mikael Anzén.

Mr. President,

Mr. De Varennes.

Sweden fully aligns itself with the statement made by the European Union.
Sweden would like to thank you for your presentation and your report.
We see worrying tendencies of shrinking democratic space and suppression of minority voices all across the globe.

Discrimination, harassment and violence on the basis of ethnicity, race, religion or language has soared in line with the global reversal of progress on human rights, democracy and the rule of law in recent years.
Persons belonging to minorities continue to face numerous and significant human rights violations in many parts of the world. For example:
Sweden notes with great concern the existence of political re-education camps and widespread surveillance particularly targeting Uighurs in China. In this regard, we reiterate our previous recommendations conveyed to China during the UPR-session in November 6th, 2018 and call on China to take urgent steps to respect the rights of persons belonging to ethnic minorities including the right to peaceful assembly, to manifest religion and culture – in particular in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Sweden also reiterate the EU’s call on China to allow meaningful access to Xinjiang for independent observers, including for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The continued violence against and harassment and intimidation of the Rohingya in Myanmar also continues to be particularly worrisome.
Another situation of concern is the situation for persons belonging to minorities in Russia, the detainment of Jehova’s witnesses is deeply concerning and we reiterate the need to fully respect the freedom of religion or belief.

Most countries, my own country included, have minorities – and it is our international obligation as Governments to respect, protect and fulfil the full enjoyment of human rights for all, including for our minorities. The respect for diversity and dialogue, and for the participation of minorities in various spheres of life, is essential for the development of a truly inclusive society.

I thank you

Senast uppdaterad 13 mar 2019, 13.44