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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 11:53

Human Rights Appeal 2019

17 jan 2019

Sweden's speech delivered by Second Secretary Clara Molin.

Mrs. High Commissioner,  

Sweden aligns itself with the statement by the EU.  

As the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, you and your Office have a unique mandate to promote and protect human rights, to be a clear voice when human rights are violated, and to cooperate with States and the multilateral system in our endeavor to achieve the full enjoyment of human rights. Sweden is, and will remain, a strong political and financial supporter to you in this work.  

Sweden has consistently been one of the top donors to the OHCHR, providing unearmarked core support that allows for consistency, predictability and flexibility in response. In 2018 we increased our core support to the global organization with 10 million SEK to a total amount of 65 million SEK, the equivalent of approximately 6,5 million Euros. In addition to this, we also provide the equivalent amount in direct core support to around ten of the OHCHR country offices including Guatemala, Cambodia, Uganda, Tunisia and the Mission in Ukraine. The close work with rights holders and duty bearers in tandem at country level is paramount to the advancement of human rights and we therefore welcome your Office’s efforts to increase its presence closer to the field.  We congratulate the host countries for their cooperation with the Office.  

We very much welcome the 'prevention shift', underlining the centrality of human rights for the prevention of conflict. The awareness of, and action on, human rights as early warning signs and preventative measures was a central issue for Sweden during our two years as non-permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and linked to this the importance of gender equality and women's participation.   

We welcome the increase in voluntary contributions to the OHCHR during the past year. That yet more is needed is clear from your excellent presentation in the Annual Human Rights Appeal. We therefore call upon the UN Membership to increase its support, both through voluntary funds and to support an increase in funding to the OHCHR through the regular budget process.  

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 17 jan 2019, 10.01