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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 13:57

50th session of the Human Rights Council - Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the oral update of the High Commissioner on the grave human rights and humanitarian situation in Mariupol (Ukraine) (HRC res. S-34/1)

Statement by the Nordic-Baltic countries Delivered by: H.E. Ann Linde, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden

Mr President,

On behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries I thank the High Commissioner for her crucial briefing on the devastating situation in Mariupol. A city I visited a year ago, passing the theatre now in ruins, where so many lost their lives.

The abhorrent violations of human rights and International Humanitarian Law committed in Mariupol, including arbitrary detentions, executions, sexual and gender-based violence, shelling of hospitals and enforced displacement, are no exceptions in Russia’s warfare. Rather the opposite.

This calls for continued and increased efforts to pressure Russia to end its aggression.  We demand that Russia adheres to international law, including provisions of International Humanitarian Law relating to the protection of prisoners of war. Russia must immediately allow the safe return of Ukrainian civilians forcibly removed to Russia.

Those responsible must be held to account. The investigation by the ICC and other initiatives to this end, including the Commission of Inquiry, have our full support.

The violations committed by Russia in Ukraine cannot be undone. But Russia can decide not to extend the list of victims.

Slava Ukraini.


Senast uppdaterad 16 jun 2022, 14.52