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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 16:55

49th session of the Human Rights Council - Item2 - Interactive dialogue on the report by the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua (Council resolution 49/23)

Statement by the Nordic-Baltic countries Delivered by: H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Ambassador, Permanent representative of Sweden to the UN in Geneva

Thank you,

Madam/Mr President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries. We thank the High Commissioner for her report.

In a time of democratic backsliding and questioning of human rights in many places, it is particularly important to raise our voices when systematic human right violations are observed. We remain deeply concerned by the ongoing human rights violations in Nicaragua including arbitrary detentions, violations of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, and attacks against human rights defenders, journalists and other media workers, political opposition, and civil society leaders.

The November elections in Nicaragua took place without respect for democratic principles. The Nicaraguan people was deprived of their right to freely elect their representatives and to vote in credible, inclusive, fair and transparent elections.

We urge the Nicaraguan Government to fully respect all human rights and to immediately and unconditionally release all those arbitrarily detained. Impunity cannot be tolerated, and accountability must be ensured. We reiterate our call on Nicaragua to cooperate fully with international and regional human rights mechanisms, including the OHCHR.

Madam/Mr President,

What measures should in your view be taken in order to promote accountability for human rights violations in Nicaragua?

Thank you.

Senast uppdaterad 07 mar 2022, 10.24