Alternate Text

RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 15:12

49th session of the Human Rights Council - Item 2 - General debate

National statement Delivered by: H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Ambassador, Permanent representative of Sweden to the UN in Geneva

Thank you, Madam/Mr President,

Sweden aligns itself with the EU.

Regrettably, the trend of shrinking democratic space continues. In many parts of the world human rights defenders, journalists and trade unionists are silenced, harassed and even killed.

We urge Cuba and Vietnam to ensure freedom of expression and opinion, including for civil society, political opponents and human rights defenders, without fear of reprisals. Negative developments in Thailand, including crackdowns on peaceful protests, are concerning.

Human rights violations and abuses in Yemen remain deeply concerning. We urge all parties to protect civilians and respect international law.

The human rights situation in Mali is alarming. There must be accountability for violations and abuses, and a swift return to constitutional order through democratic elections. Mali is responsible for actions by the so-called Wagner group on its behalf. 

We call on Sudan to return to a civilian-led democratic transition and reiterate our serious concerns regarding sexual and gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriages.

We call on the Lebanese government to ensure an independent and credible investigation of the explosion in Beirut almost two years ago and regret the lack of meaningful progress towards accountability.

We urge the federal and regional authorities in Iraq to enact the Anti-Domestic Violence law and implement existing legislation and address serious reports on domestic violence.

The violence against human rights defenders in Colombia is deeply worrying and must end, and urgent protection mechanisms in line with the peace agreement be established.

I thank you.








Senast uppdaterad 08 mar 2022, 12.25