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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 06:58

49th session of the Human Rights Council - Item 10 - Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on Mali

Statement by Sweden on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic States. Delivered by H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN in Geneva.

Mr. President,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries.

We thank the Independent Expert, Mr. Tine, for the report.

We note with deep concern the Malian leadership’s postponement of elections and the proposal to extend the transition period far beyond the agreed timeline. We urge Malian authorities to return to a credible transition process with a clear timeline and elections in the near future.

We continue to be deeply concerned by human rights violations and abuses in Mali, including the systematic targeting of civilians by extremist armed groups. We remain alarmed by the continued reports on violations committed by national forces. We are also very concerned that the Malian leadership’s cooperation with the Wagner group will likely, as seen elsewhere, further undermine the respect for human rights.


In this context, strengthening the access to justice, fighting impunity and increasing accountability is crucial.

We are concerned about the shrinking space for freedom of expression and media freedom in Mali.

Let me assure you of our continued support to promoting human rights in Mali and allow me to ask the following question: 

  • How can Malian authorities best work to combat human rights violations and abuses and increase accountability, and how can the international community most effectively support the respect for human rights in Mali?


Thank you.


Senast uppdaterad 29 mar 2022, 15.46