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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 20:10

40th session of the UPR Working Group - Review of the Sudan

Recommendations by Sweden delivered by H.E. Ms Anna Jardfelt, Permanent Representative


Sweden strongly condemns the military coup in Sudan. The coup has human rights implications which are difficult to overview. An immediate return to a civilian-led democratic transition after the latest developments with the resignation of Prime minister Hamdok is indispensable. Before the military coup, commendable human rights progress was achieved. However, serious concerns remain, including sexual and gender-based violence, female genital mutilation and child marriages. Thus, Sweden recommends Sudan to:

1. Implement the National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security and the framework of cooperation with the United Nations on the prevention and response to sexual violence against women and girls during conflict.

2. Ratify the CEDAW Convention without any reservations contrary to the objective and purpose of the Convention.

3. Continue the cooperation with the International Criminal Court, ratify the Rome Statute and ensure effective prosecution of and accountability for serious crimes under international law.

Thank you

Senast uppdaterad 09 feb 2022, 11.21