Alternate Text

RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 17:00

40th session of the UPR Working Group - Review of the Republic of Uganda

Recommendations by Sweden delivered by Mr Fredrik Nivaeus, Minister Counselor.


Sweden acknowledges the continued work of the Ugandan government to fulfil its own constitution and encourages the acceleration of efforts to ensure that everyone in Uganda can fully exercise their human rights. However, serious concerns remain regarding the rights to freedom of opinion, expression, and assembly as well as the right to education and the right to health. We would thus wish to make the following recommendations.

  1. Provide a full and independent investigation on the unjustified violence and human rights violations committed by the security services during the November 2020 unrests in Uganda, in the run-up to elections, and ensure that those responsible are held accountable.
  1. Take measures that enable Uganda to ratify the International Labour Organization (ILO) Violence and Harassment Convention (C190).
  1. Progressively increase funding to the health sector to meet the Abuja Declaration threshold of 15 % of the annual budget, as the government has once already agreed.

Thank you

Senast uppdaterad 27 jan 2022, 11.47