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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 13:39

40th session of the UPR Working Group - Review of Lithuania

Recommendations by Sweden delivered by Mr Fredrik Nivaeus, Minister Counselor.


Sweden welcomes the progress made by Lithuania to address previous UPR-recommendations and the government’s efforts to strengthen human rights. In particular, Sweden welcomes the adoption of legislation to protect children from domestic corporal punishment. However, concerns remain regarding the ratification of the Istanbul Convention and the situation of LGBTIQ persons in the country and Sweden would like to make the following recommendations:


  1. Expedite the ratification of the Istanbul Convention.


  1. Take necessary measures to end discrimination and violence on the basis of gender identity, and in doing so, include gender identity as a criterion for discrimination in domestic legislation.


  1. Establish follow-up mechanisms and facilitate the work done by civil society in reducing cases of domestic violence. 


Thank you

Senast uppdaterad 26 jan 2022, 15.37