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RepresentationFN, Genève

Lokal tid 12:20

Rohingya leaders participate at Human Rights Council event on crisis response

18 mar 2019

“The voices of the victims and survivors should be at the heart of our deliberations whether on crisis response, reforms or accountability”, Swedish Ambassador Veronika Bard stated Friday 14 March together with the courageous and perservant Rohingya leaders Ms Khatun and Mr Mohibulla at a UN side event in Geneva.

A prominent panel from the Delegation from the European Union, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Legal Action Worldwide discussed ways to facilitate meaningful participation for victims in crisis with the advocates for the Rohingya community.

Ms Khatun and Mr Mohibulla reported to the international community in the room of the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya currently based impoverished refugee camps in Bangladesh; of the population suffering sexual violence and abuse in Cox Bazaar; and of the suspended humanitarian access due to armed violence. The leaders had three key requests: Justice including compensation; to return home in safely and security including citizenship; and access to education.

“Include us in the discussions about our future, don’t sign agreements without us, allow us to be part of the solution” the leaders highlighted. “We have a voice – listen to it”.

Senast uppdaterad 18 mar 2019, 16.54