Ambasada a lansat o procedură deschisă de achiziții publice pentru a selecta o companie care să susţină echipa Ambasadei în implementarea programului de suport pentru OSC-urile din Moldova. Ofertele trebuie depuse la Ambasadă până/inclusiv pe 18 februarie 2019. Potrivit documentului de achiziție publică publicat pe (numărul de referință 2019 / S 013-026561), toate întrebările adresate de potențialii ofertanți urmează să fie clarificate pe pagina web a Ambasadei.
Question: Could you please share with us information about the 6 CSOs that were audited in 2018 and who will, potentially, be supported during 2019?
Answer: In 2018 new 6 CSOs were selected by the Embassy to be supported through pre-core support in 2019:
Question: We have 11 CSOs entering Phase 3 of the SIDA support program (5 CSOs have signed the CS agreements with another 6 to be evaluated for entering CS program [4]). Please confirm or infirm this.
Answer: In 2018 the Embassy singed 5 new core support Agreements. In 2019, 6 new pre-core support Agreements are to be singed. After pre-core support implementation the CSOs will be evaluated and only based on this evaluation the Embassy will decide to enter or not into core support Agreements.
Question: The Consultant is expected to deliver OD services for CSOs entering step 3 of the SIDA support program.
Answer: The Consultant is expected to deliver consultancy services to all CSOs - core support partners the Embassy is working with. To this date the Embassy has the following partnerships: